With such a huge choice in decorative wallpapers there is something to cater to every taste and every home; then beyond the choices already on the market, is the additional option of a bespoke paper, discussed further below.
When considering what best suits your room we’re happy to be on hand to help and advise as necessary. For some time there have been two common routes pursued when papering a room, either hanging paper on a single wall (or specific area) as an accent or papering all the walls for maximum impact. Of course, there is scope for more than this, particularly in period homes where dado rails, picture rails, cornice and other mouldings present a variety of options. Whatever style you may have in mind we can work with you, or help you reach a decision. The one thing we don’t recommend however is papering ceilings as the results rarely live up to expectations.
Like all aspects of good decorating practice, preparation is key when hanging wallpaper. Walls that are in bad condition or poorly prepared will result in an unacceptable finish. We make every effort to start with a smooth, even and blemish free surface, generally dedicating our first day entirely to preparation. In cases where the condition of the walls is beyond our usual preparation regime, we would propose a variety of alternative solutions.
For those looking for something unique, there is the option of bespoke wallpaper. It’s a vast subject and too extensive to go over in great detail here. However, with backgrounds in graphic design and surface design, we are able to produce bespoke wallpapers, either on a one-off commission basis or from your favourite family photographs etc. If this is an avenue that is of interest to you there is almost no limit but your imagination and we’ll gladly consult further on this. Whatever your wallpapering needs please get in touch on the number below or via our contact page.